Thursday, September 28, 2006

hi, we're in surfer's paradise now. IT's huge and full of highrises, not quite what we expected. Like what we picture Miami would look like. We went surfing today, It was AMAZING!! The water was 20 degrees and a beautiful sunny day! We got a lesson from a lady we met camping in Byron. Kirby and I caught a few awesome waves. Being that it was Leah's first time she's still getting the hang of it but we all had so much fun. WE want to surf every sunny day. We went just outside of surfer's at a place called carrumbin creek. It was gorgeous. we'll stay here two or three more nights then head to brisbane. Leah adn Kirby are on antibiotics, getting better from the colds we all had. LEah got tonsilitis but we've been taking it easy and we're all getting better. Saturday our hostel does a club crawl. 6 bars in one night, so we're trying to get healthy for that. Surfer's is mostly known for their club scene. love and kisses


Blogger Robyn said...

Hey girl! Sounds like you guys are having a blast!! (except the tonsillitis, of course!) Have more fun! I miss you!
ps. you should change your blog settings so that anonymous people can comment, then you don't have to have a blog on here to comment!

1:22 PM  

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